Red Village Church

Backyard Bible Clubs #3

Here is another great post from Sarah!


I hope that in the previous two blogs I’ve been able to convey the value of ministering to neighbors and children. Now I’d like to dive into the application piece. Backyard Bible Clubs provide a simple and strategic opportunity to love your neighbors and guide children in Truth. Backyard Bible Clubs are a series of 5, hour-long lessons (complete with games, crafts, and a song) that share the Gospel with children in your neighborhood.

Church, we want to challenge you to pray and consider hosting a Backyard Bible Club. We are praying that at least seven hosts (one from each Village) will step out in faith to reach their neighborhood.

Here are a few details about the Backyard Bible Clubs

  • RVC will provide you with the curriculum, crafts, snacks, fliers…everything you need to host a Club.
  • The lessons are simple, easy to teach,  and flexible to fit different teaching styles. The lessons will be going through the Gospel: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Resurrection, and New Creation.
  • You can host a club in your backyard, in a park, or another central location for your neighborhood.
  • The 5 lessons can be taught five days in a row or they can be spread out as weekly lessons over the course of 5 weeks.

Let’s shine a light in our neighborhoods this summer. We have members all over the Madison area – North-side, East-side, West-side, Downtown, Monona, Fitchburg… we can really strategically reach Madison by hosting Backyard Bible Clubs in each of these areas.

Please pray and consider how you might be involved in this ministry. If you are at all interested or have any questions, please contact Sarah (

And I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. – Philemon 1:6


Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!