Red Village Church

The RVC Little League Team

In case you did not know RVC is sponsoring a little league team this summer!  Read the blog below from Coach Lentz!


Play Ball!  That will be the cry tomorrow morning at East Madison Little League.  It is opening day of the Little League season and you, as Red Village Church, will be represented there.  That’s right.  Red Village Church is sponsoring a Little League team.  We are excited about the opportunity to get our name out into a new part of the Madison community.

John Klein and myself are coaching the team and Mike Byers and David Doellstedt have been helping out with the team. (Mitch Freeman is also coaching a team in our league).  We have been having a lot of fun and are looking forward to getting the season started.  Our first game is tomorrow (4/26) at 1:00 and you can find the rest of the scheduled games at We are planning a Red Village Church night at the ball park soon so be watching for that.

My hope is that we will be a huge blessing to our team and to the East Madison Little League community and that kids and parents alike will be super glad that they were on the Red Village Church team.  So, come out to East Madison Little League (1011 North Street) and enjoy some baseball.


Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!