Red Village Church

RVC Alum Update, The Clutters

Here is a little update from the Clutters!

We attended RVC from October 2012 to October 2013. We are currently living in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin and attending Chippewa Valley Bible Church.

Corbin is 10 months old now! He is getting bigger by the second and almost walking.

I am working full-time at the Wisconsin Department of Revenue as a tax auditor. Heather is working part-time for Spectrum Industries.

I am also an intern at Chippewa Valley Bible Church working in student ministry. I am looking to pursue student ministry full-time. Heather is a small group leaders with the 9th grade girls.

God used RVC to inspire us to get involved. They helped us grow in our faith. RVC was always supportive of our decisions, and always there to talk. Jesus is at the center of everything they do. They have a strong emphasis on community, and the friendships we made will last forever. We miss them a lot!

Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!