Red Village Church

RVC Cookbook

Here is a post from our Cookbook Committee!

Hey Gang!

We are going to make an RVC cookbook!! After many Villages, pot lucks, and other gatherings that have invovled the question “Can I have your recipe?”, we decided it is time to put all our recipes together.

The proceeds from the cookbooks will go toward RVC Mission Trips. We are really excited about this opportunity to help spread the gospel while spreading good recipes, too!

However, for this to work we need YOUR help! Below is information that will lead you to a webiste that you can upload recipes to. You can upload as many as you want. The recipes must be SUMITTED BY AUGUST 27, this way we can get the cookbook ordered and ready to selll this fall. More information on how to buy the cookbook will come later in the week. Feel free to ask any and all questions you might have.

Thanks guys!

The Cookbook Committee,

Sarah, Trena, Tia, & Lindsey

Website Information:

Username: RVCRecipes


Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!