Red Village Church

Prayer for a friend of RVC

Please pray for Jeanne Wedekind who is a friend of Red Village.  Jeanne and her husband Dave both are involved in leadership with the Minnesota Wisconsin Baptist Convention and Disaster Relief.  Currently Jeanne is battling cancer.  Below is an update from Dave on how we can best be praying:”

“A praise is that on June 5 doctors are putting in a port so no more vein damage during and after chemo. Another praise is Jeanne’s throat is clear of the growth caused by the cancer. On June 15 she has a PET scan. Pray that the chemo is gone from the rest of her body.”

2 thoughts on “Prayer for a friend of RVC”

  1. Praying for you as you go through this struggle. I pray The Lord will comfort you. He can do all things! Lean on HIm.

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