Red Village Church

RVC Church Plant Update

Gathered in this small place, the God of the universe meets us through our worship and in His Word. We trust that as we move to a new location and begin Sunday morning worship services, our Lord will yet meet us.

Changes have come to the life of the Northside church plant…what was Red Village Church North is now Sovereign Joy Baptist Church. We believe that our new name fits us well. We will begin Sunday   morning worship services on February 1st in YWAM’s training center– 4802 Dakota Dr. at 10:00am.

What is Sovereign Joy Baptist Church about? We are about the Gospel. We are Reformed in our theology. We are on mission always in two worlds—in the church and in the world. We are falling more deeply in love with our community. We are laboring for the eternal joy of all peoples in Madison, Wisconsin, to God’s glory. And…we are praying for laborers in the harvest field.

In Jesus,

John Klein

Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!