Red Village Church

RVC north

RVC Church Plant Update

Gathered in this small place, the God of the universe meets us through our worship and in His Word. We trust that as we move to a new location and begin Sunday morning worship services, our Lord will yet meet us. Changes have come to the life of the Northside church plant…what was Red Village […]

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RVC North

In our most recent Wednesday night core group gathering, we considered Thanksgiving. In our consideration, we found that our thanksgiving must be discerned – largely because we are Americans. We have much. We often express thanks for the prosperity that we live in, but what is the wellspring from which our thanksgiving must truly flow

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RVC North

Here is a little update on our north side plant!   We were talking about war at our Wednesday evening core gathering! And as we talked of war, our affections were being challenged and heightened. Contemplate the talk of our war council with us:  “Do not desire to be rich; be content with the wartime

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RVC North

Interested in joining the RVC North church plant?  If so see the post below from John!   The Fellowship of the Saints and the Power of Prayer, Bring a New Season to the  RVC North Church Plant Wednesday, September 10th, Red Village Church North will begin weekly meetings.  The aim of this next phase will

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RVC North

The RVC-North core group met for the second time Friday, August 15th.  As we shared in a night of vision, worship, prayer, and fellowship, a very sweet reality was made evident; we are becoming what we desire to be – a local church that looks like its community – diverse.  RVC-North is already, as I

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Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!