Red Village Church

Deacons – Acts 6:1-7, 1 Tim 3:8-13


Acts 6:1-7, 1 Tim 3:8-13


I) What Deacons Do
a – Keep the peace of the church
b – Keep the church on mission

II) What Deacons Are
a – Chosen by the church
b – Qualifications

III) Miscellaneous Aspects of Deacon Ministry
a – Titles
b – Ministry is still done by the entire church
c – Not junior elders as a first rung up the leadership ladder
d – Still can teach
e – PRAY God will bring up deacons in the church
f – RVC process for appointing deacons

Paper written by Elder Jay Tuck for Red Village Church regarding Deacons:
On the Diaconate (Oct 2015)

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