Red Village Church

The New Year and Bible Reading

(this is basically a re-post from August with an updated reading plan)

Private and corporate Bible study tends to orbit around the familiar and perspicuous (I had to look it up after I heard folks talk about “the perspicuity of Scripture”). In order to know and love “the whole counsel of God,” it is important to study the Scriptures systematically and regularly. One way to do that is through a bible reading plan, to keep you on a schedule so as to make it all the way through the Bible in a set amount of time (typically 1-2 years).

A couple of years ago, Justin Taylor put together a list of several useful plans. Almost a decade ago, I took a reading plan I found on-line and have modified it almost annually until it reached it’s current form, attached below.

Regardless of specifics, make sure you have a plan to abide with God through the Word.

Reading Plan (twice through the New Testament for every time through the Old Testament).

Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!