Red Village Church

Worshipping King Jesus on Sunday Night

Tonight was a great night of coming before our Lord and Savior in worship of Him.  Thomas Burris opened up the Word to us as we continued our study of 2 Corinthians.  We were reminded of the gift of forgiveness God gives to His children through the cross of Christ and how the forgiveness we receive ought to compel us to forgive others.

In response to the Word, as a church family we broke bread and celebrated the Lord’s Supper.

We finished the night off singing the song “Absent from Flesh” as we long for the day to meet our Savior in eternity.   What a blissful thought that is!

Next Sunday Pastor Aaron will continue our study of 2 Corinthians starting at 2 Cor 2:12.  We look forward to worshipping Christ with you!

Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!