Red Village Church

Eagle Heights Basketball Camp

Hey RVC!

August 1-4 our church is teaming up with First Baptist Church of Garland, TX to host a basketball camp for Eagle Heights. The goal is to continue to build our relationship with Eagle Heights by putting on a great camp free of charge and to put RVC in the minds of the residents. Our interns are working hard to put this thing together and what we need from the church is volunteers. Eagle Heights-1

There will be two shifts each day: 8:30-12:00 and 1-4. The goal is to have 4-6 volunteers for each shift. Volunteers will mainly be helping with registration and hospitality (i.e. putting out snacks and water, etc.). The morning shift will be helping with 5-6 year olds (camp from 9-9:45) and 7-10 year olds (10-12). The afternoon shift will be working with 11-14 year olds (1:30-3:30).

We also will be hosting a block party at Eagle Heights to cap off the camp the evening of Thursday, August 4th. We need a lot of volunteers to make that go well so if nothing else, if you can volunteer for that it would be appreciated! If you are interested in volunteering, email Ashley Bauer: Also I will soon put the link for our online registration and if you personally have friends at Eagle Heights, you can guide them here. Thanks guys, let’s make this awesome! -Brandon

If you know anyone at Eagle Heights who would like to register you can send them to this link:

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