Red Village Church


Love of the Father

Tomorrow my family and I are celebrating our youngest daughter’s Avery first birthday.  It is hard for me to believe that it has already been a year since she was born.  As I think on the blessing that Avery has been to my family my heart wells up with the love that I have for […]

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Imago Dei

Just recently my family and I got a new puppy.  Almost instantly our 3 year old, Madison, became great friends with the dog. It is fun watching the two of them interact with each other.  Just last night I was amazed that Madison in a simple way understood one of the greatest truths of Scripture

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The Agony of Defeat

This past Sunday my beloved Packers lost a heart breaking playoff game in overtime.  The game was filled with ups and downs throughout–a game that was incredibly exciting to watch. Without question sports can dominate much of our time, energy, and even our money.  You can hardly go any where without seeing someone wearing a

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The year 2010 marks a year of much excitement yet much uncertainty for my family and me.  This past weekend we arrived in Madison as we begin our church planting ministry.  From all accounts church planting can be incredibly rewarding and exciting but also incredibly difficult and draining.  We have many questions–how will we start

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Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!