Red Village Church


Burden of Proof

At our last Bible study an atheist showed up to check things out.  He seems to be a very nice guy, and we had some dialog back and forth with regards to worldviews. One of the disagreements we had was who bore the most burden of proof.  Was it a Christian who believes there is […]

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A Christian’s Responsibility

Every ministry is unique with unique challenges and unique circumstances.  Possibly the most unique factor of Red Village Church’s ministry is our setting.  Red Village’s ministry setting is in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, which is known for its variety of different belief systems.  In the downtown Madison area you can find those who hold to an

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Sickbed Thoughts

The past week I have been wiped out with a sinus infection.  I have not been able to do too much besides lay around and sleep.  One of the things I have had time to do is to reflect.  As I have reflected on my sickness two things have come to mind.  One, this is

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The Voice of God

One of my favorite movies is “Field of Dreams” which tells the story of a man who puts everything on the line to create a baseball field on which players from yesteryear who have long passed, including his father, to come play.  Throughout the movie the man hears a voice, presumingly the voice of God,

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Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!