Red Village Church

The “Yet” Factor

Today I was studying through the book of Habakkuk, which is becoming one of my favorite books in the Old Testaments.  The book chronicles the prophet Habakkuk who cries out to the Lord and asks for vindication.  As Habakkuk looks around he sees nothing good around him and evil seemingly triumphing. Throughout the book God […]

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Don’t Miss the Point

Last week my oldest daughter Madison was in Vacation Bible School.  One night after VBS, I was taking Madison home, and I looked in the rear view mirror and could see that she was deep in thought.  As a Dad my heart started to lift.  I began to think that Madison must have been contemplating

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Which Jesus do you Follow?

Just recently I was talking with a guy about my Christian faith and my devotion to Jesus.  As we talked he told me he was an atheist but did appreciate Jesus as a great teacher.  He talked about some of the morals that Jesus taught and how valuable they were to mankind.  He even told

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Our Greatest Need–Rest

This past week my family and I got to go camping in northern Wisconsin.  We had really only one goal–rest.  It was great to enjoy God’s creation and get away from the busyness of life.  Because of our mortal bodies we need times to step back, recharge the batteries, and rest.   One of the

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Conditional Love of God

This past Monday was Memorial Day–a day we celebrate the freedom we have in the United States.  Often we are reminded that freedom is not free.  There is a huge cost paid so we can have this freedom.  Lives have been laid down by many to purchase and ensure freedom.  Freedom without a doubt is

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Registration for VBS 2024 Operation Arctic is officially open!