Red Village Church

Conditional Love of God

This past Monday was Memorial Day–a day we celebrate the freedom we have in the United States.  Often we are reminded that freedom is not free.  There is a huge cost paid so we can have this freedom.  Lives have been laid down by many to purchase and ensure freedom.  Freedom without a doubt is […]

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Stronger Backs

Perhaps the most telling sign of the strength of a person’s walk with God is found in his prayer life.  It is very telling what you think about God by what you are praying for.  My guess is if one was to take a survey of the prayer life average Christian in America one would

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Struggling for Joy

The more Christians I meet and interact with the more and more I see how many Christians truly struggle to find joy in their lives.  Even as I examine my own life, I feel that I have this constant battle going on to be joyful.  In fact it seems that I find myself just as

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